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- u
- by Lord Ronin of QLink
- (aka David O Mohr)
- Second Generation user here, no
- not the child of a user. Just one that
- got into the C= after the company died
- and went to Escom. We call ourselves
- the 2nd generation of users.
- Being disabled from the Nam war I
- was paranoid of computers -- til me
- mum bought a used system for me and
- presented same as a Chanukha present
- in 92.
- The rest is history <black some
- may add>. I am now a fanatic for the
- system. Which is strange as I really
- don't understand the terms, verbage,
- or techy talk on the matters. Yet I
- remain religiously devouted to the C=
- systems.
- As I have written in the Commodore
- MaiLink and my own newsletter: Hours
- are spent on the C= daily. Not as much
- with Wave on the Inet as most people
- would request. Wheels works and I run
- a 24/7 BBS on the 128D. Print with
- Post Print. Make maps and adventure
- for our dice Role Playing Games
- <R.P.G.>. Try to catch up on my
- writing requirements. Maybe even test
- a few of the disks that I have
- collected.
- Why stay with the system? No
- reason to change and I can't afford to
- change. Everything I want to do is on
- this system. My computer room is full
- of equipment, books, and disks. This
- doesn't count the storage shed where I
- have more items and am adding more for
- the users groups and the Meeting
- Through The Mail group as a resource.
- My major reason for staying and
- using this system, though, is that it
- is my first computer -- in all its
- simplicity. When I upgraded to the
- Hard Drive, The SCPU the FD-2000,
- Wave, Wheels, Swiftlink etc., nothing
- that I had previously was useless.
- That can NOT be said for certain other
- computer platforms. My montly VA
- cheque couldn't afford the other
- system with the constant replacement
- of items that I hear from others. Let
- alone pay my rent and bills plus
- upgrade the other system. Replacing
- hardware and software.
- Besides I personally believe that
- the vector that the C= started and
- others have continued along over the
- years happens to be more fun, more
- personal and more hands on than the
- other systems vector for the mindless
- "drones". So to paraphrase Stan Lee of
- Marvel Comics Fames "Make Mine
- Commodore"